Family Owned & Operated Since 1978
Jeriyah Rodriguez
Precious baby boy, Jeriyah Rodriguez, was born on Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 12:26 p.m. to parents Adrian Rodriguez and Gabriella Vasquez of Odem, Texas. He weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 18 inches long. Heartbreakingly, Jeriyah was not able to remain with us in our world and passed away at birth. Jeriyah is forever loved by his mommy and daddy and his big sister Skyla. His paternal grandparents Adrian and Maria Del Carmen Rodriguez, his maternal grandparents Jose and Estella Vasquez, his paternal great-grandmother Maria de Jesus Montreal, his maternal great grandmother Carmen Vasquez will forever hold Jeriyah in their hearts. His aunts and uncles, his cousins and many others will cherish him and his memory always. Jeriyah will always remain his parents’ precious baby and Skyla's little brother, and they will reunite with him again in heaven one day. Visitation will be on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, from 12 PM to 2:30 PM at Ritchea-Gonzales Funeral Home (120 S McCall, Sinton, Tx, 78387) with a mass being held at 3 PM at Sacred Heart of Jesus (401 West Willis, Odem, Tx 78370). Burial to follow at San Pedro Cemetry on Highway 77 in Odem.